Neuromuscular dentistry
What is Neuromuscular dentistry and how is it different?
The jaw joints, muscles and teeth form an interconnected system that can lose its alignment, resulting in a range of painful symptoms, including headaches, jaw problems and facial pain. These are often signs of TMJ syndrome, which affects the quality of life of many people.
Neuromuscular dentistry is a holistic approach to re-establish your optimal jaw position and bite.
At Lotus Dental we use computer-aided diagnostic and treatment techniques to assess and reposition the jaw joints, muscles and teeth in a balanced and harmonious relationship:
joint vibrational analysis
jaw movement tracking
occlusal (bite) analysis
T.E.N.S (transelectric nerve stimulation)
Aculiner articulator
… together with X-Rays of the joints and skull and plaster casts of the teeth mounted with a facebow on a specific diagnostic tool called the ‘aculiner articulator’.
TMJ treatment
We have a range of techniques available to us, depending on the underlying cause of the problem – we create an individual treatment plan for you.
Techniques include splints, physical therapies for the muscles and neck, altering the way the teeth fit together (overlay, caps, orthodontics) and dealing with missing teeth (for example with a bridge). Read more about how we treat TMJ Syndrome.
Our specific TMJ technology
We use particular technology to ensure that your jaw and muscles are working together properly, for optimal TMJ function.
Joint vibrational analysis

Using ultrasound allows us to record joint noises and diagnose joint pathology in a minimally invasive way.

Patterns of muscle contraction and relaxation help us to ascertain whether the jaw is in a neuromuscularly balanced and comfortable position, and to determine to effects of body posture on the jaw muscles.
Jaw movement analysis

Jaw movement analysis allows us to place the teeth in a balanced position with the muscles and jaw joints, and to diagnose any problems which may interfere with smooth comfortable jaw movement and tooth occlusion.

BioTENS is used to relax any tension in the muscles the position the jaw, to help in treating muscle spasm; and for final bite positioning to a relaxed neuromuscular bite registration.
Aculiner articulator

As Neuromuscular dentists we use the Aculiner in the diagnosis and treatment of TMJ syndrome.
For treatment of TMJ or chronic headaches in Sydney, call or email us to make an appointment.

You may like to read the article about our holistic approach to the age-old problem of treating headaches.