Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF)
Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF ) is produced from your own blood and may be used in dental procedures such as tooth extraction or gum surgery.
PRF can be made into a membrane and is used for new bone formation:
following extractions
in periodontal bone loss around teeth.
It can be mixed with bone grafting material:
to rebuild the bone following extractions and gum surgery,
in bone repair from trauma and
prior to implant placement if there is insufficient bone for the implant.
The process
Blood is collected at the beginning of the procedure in special test tubes and spun in a customised centrifuge.
The blood can be processed in 2 ways, producing a solid fibrin-rich plug (PRF) or a liquid, injectable form (iPRF).
Injectable PRF (iPRF)
Injectable PRF is a liquid that can be used in the joints and around muscles and tendons. We combine this with low level laser.
Platelet-rich fibrin application in dentistry: a literature review: