Safe mercury amalgam replacement
About amalgam fillings removal and replacement
Did you know that…
The ‘silver’ fillings in your teeth really consist of 50% mercury, with other metals such as tin, zinc, copper and silver making up the balance, or ‘amalgam’ of metals
Mercury is one of the most toxic substances on the planet – more toxic than arsenic, lead and cadmium
All unused, left over dental amalgam is considered to be toxic waste and has to be specially stored due to the mercury content.

Dr Urvashi Pandey and
Dr Jackie Bonifacio are
SMART certified by IAOMT
Scientific evidence
Over the years, scientists have accumulated an extensive body of evidence, establishing that:
amalgam releases significant amounts of mercury over the lifetime of a filling;
the mercury distributes to tissues around the body, and is the biggest source of the mercury burden in the body;
the mercury from amalgam crosses the placenta and into breast milk, resulting in significant pre- and post-partum exposures for infants; and
adverse physiological changes can occur from that exposure in the immune system, kidneys, reproductive organs and brain, as well as the oral and intestinal flora.
For details see ‘The scientific case against amalgam’ published by The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT).
The biocompatible alternative approach
For the reasons outlined above, at Lotus Dental we are of the opinion that dental mercury amalgams should not be used as a filling material, and we have not placed an amalgam filling for over 20 years. There are alternatives available today that offer benefits from a functional, aesthetic and biocompatible standpoint, and these can be chosen to suit the individual circumstance.
Materials that we use include composite resin, porcelain, zirconium (all tooth-coloured) and gold.
We also work where needed with integrative doctors and naturopaths to provide a mercury detoxification program for those people wanting to have their existing amalgam fillings replaced and the mercury chelated from where it is stored in the body. It is not advisable to have this done until all the amalgam fillings have been removed as the chelation process can draw more mercury out of the fillings and increase the body’s burden of mercury.
Safety first

Following the IAOMT guidelines
Mercury is so toxic that when removing mercury amalgam fillings we follow the protocol recommended by the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) to minimise the amount of exposure to mercury for the patient, dentist and assistants.
We use lots of water, high volume evacuation, a rubber dam covering the teeth and a separate air supply.
The dentist and assistants use special filters and masks to protect themselves from repeated exposure to mercury.
An amalgam removal and replacement program for you
Please contact us to arrange an appointment if you would like to find out more about reducing the amount of mercury in your life. We will help design a program based on your individual needs, general health and desired timeframe.