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About Holistic Dentistry


The mouth, teeth and jaw have a significant impact on our general health & wellbeing


All parts of the body are connected. No part works in isolation from the rest … This is often overlooked in the specialisation approach of modern medicine but it underlies our approach and treatment for your dental healthcare.



What does ‘holistic dentistry’ mean in practice?


  • We combine traditional wisdom with today’s insights and technologies, and we work with other health practitioners (where needed) to achieve a whole-of-body approach and outcome for patients.

  • Because the mouth acts as a mirror for what’s happening in other parts of the body, our check-ups and treatments consider how other health issues may be playing out in your oral health.

  • Our holistic approach means that we also assess how treatments might impact the body more widely than the mouth and teeth, including using biocompatible materials.


Our dentistry is founded on some key principles:


  • We use dental materials that are not toxic to the human body – for example, we do not use mercury amalgam.

  • We aim to use techniques that minimise harm and intervention – in this we are greatly assisted by the new technologies, for example digital X-rays which deliver only 50% of the radiation level.

  • We look at how your jaw muscles and bones are working together and adjust them if necessary.

  • We use nutritional and other natural supplements for healthy building blocks for teeth and gums, referring to a nutritionist as needed.

  • We work holistically with other treatments and techniques.

  • We work integratively (where appropriate) with other health professionals to provide a whole-of-body approach to healthy teeth and wellness.


Please contact us if you’d like to find out more about how our holistic and integrative approach to dentistry can help you.

The mouth harbours a lot of bacteria and is the entry point for all of the body’s food and water … So it’s important that your mouth is healthy!


The mind and body are also connected, in very practical ways – much more so than we have been taught … Who would have thought that today’s busy lives would have an impact on our teeth?



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